Monday, February 20, 2006

A Work in Progress

So here I am again! I am trying to remind myself that this is good for me - to write things down - it can be therapeutic, and then I remember that the whole world can read it and break out into a cold sweat...ok, maybe this isn't that bad!
My thought for today:
I need to stop bitting my nails.
There maybe now that I have put it into writing, I have made this committment to stop bitting my nails! I think I am just a really anxious person and lately I am just feeling really overwhelmed with the unknown. I have come to accept that I cannot know everything nor control everything - but I still have the urge to try! I know that the Lord says - do not be anxious about anything, but I still have such a hard time with that concept! I just feel like if I do the wrong thing or say the wrong thing, the whole world will come to a halt and i may lose friends, my job, people's respect. Will people still like me if I don't know everything or don't seem like I am in control? I think I am a work in progress - - I definately need some refining and pruning so to speak, but sometimes I feel at a loss for how to go about feeling...normal....happy.....carefree....excited...again. I feel that I need to go deeper - I need to get to know myself a bit better, then perhaps I will feel comfortable with who I am. Maybe I need to take myself on a date.....

Monday, February 13, 2006

A little bit of here and there

So - - I have now entered the wonderful world of blogging. I must say that I feel a little awkward writing my thoughts for the world to read - but I have no doubt fallen victim to peer pressure and alas - here I am.
So you are wondering - who is this girl who is somewhere between here and there, well I am wondering the same thing! I am a girl who loves the Lord - - who is passionate about helping people and seeing people happy and fulfilled. I am also a girl who is discovering who she really is and being able to come to a point where I am comfortable in my own skin and can cease to constantly people-please.... see, I told you! I am definately somewhere between here and there.
So, please stay tuned readers for deep deep thoughts of moi here at Tanouki Central and please feel free to post your thoughts and comments to spark some good ol' fashion conversation!
Peace out....