Friday, March 16, 2007


So I first would like to apologize for not updating my post for such a long time. I know that 5 months really is unacceptable, so again, my apologies to all the avid bloggers out there and if you have given up on me - I understand!!! However, I thought I would let you in on how I am feeling in this season of my life. The title says it all... will work for food. You see, life in general for me really isn't so bad. I have had the opportunity to travel with my husband and his family and since Spain we have been to the Carribbean, Nashville Tennesee and last but not least Seattle. Even though these have been awesome, incredible times, now that we are back at home and now that I am still only working part-time from home with my husband in the ministry... the realization has come that I may really need to get another part-time job to make ends meet. Sigh, so here I am, once again searching the newspapers, looking on line and waiting to get call backs from different places. Just a little side note of venting here... why is it that employers refuse to call a potential employee back...I mean really is it that hard to return a call and say hi - you are not qualified - or hi - the position has been filled or hi - you are overqualified - it is just really a principle of respect you know? From one human being to another, one should take the time to call another back to show that they are worthy of a response. So again I say will work for food.
It has been a strange journey for me the whole realm of work - I have my degree in Social Work - a degree that I am very happy that I have, yet have come to the realization that I do not want to be a Social Worker. Slight dilemma. So alas I have come to the conclusion - a conclusion that really should have been my first thought, that God is in control. The doors have not opened in certain areas because He did not want them to be opened. I must remind myself that He is the provider and even if this is a season where I am being tested and stretched and tested and then stretched some more, He will not leave me, He will not forsake me and He will guide me to the right job for this season.
So, perhaps this is not the most upbeat blog that I have written, but this where I am at! Thanks all for listening and letting me vent!


At 5:43 PM , Blogger ~WandererShe~ said...

woot! a post!!!
ok i will read it now

At 5:49 PM , Blogger ~WandererShe~ said...

well I did read it and I think what it comes down to is that if they tell you not to write in the book - *$%& it!....

ps THAT does not count as one toilet point!!!

I am proud of you getting your degree and though I can't tell the future as to where you will find it's use I believe that it will be of importance in both your personal and professional life
xoxo Baron thinks so, :-D

At 4:10 PM , Blogger Island Girl said...

Hi Annikins. You are very brave! It must have been so hard to realize social work is not what you want after all that time spent getting your degree. I am praying you will find a job and I know God will help you find your passion. Hugs!

At 4:04 PM , Blogger Jaime said...

Yeah new post! I have not given up on you Anna, I'm still lurking here, but thanks for the update.
Jobs/working is tough eh? Sometimes it's confusing and we ask God what's going on? I hate job hunting with a passion, but when I do find the right one, I know it's been God leading me.
God has something in store for you, that's exactally what you need and is perfect for you. I'll pray for you Anna banana!
We miss you guys too!


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